The Hints

Hint of the Week for October 16, 2024

J-Date and Mary O'Shag have a wide-ranging and adrenaline-infused evening of Quiz planned tonight!

Keep this in mind: Squishington, Molly Coddle, and the Closet Monster warmly welcome you to Halloween season.

No costumes tonight, but in two weeks, perhaps...

Hint of the Week for October 9, 2024

Happy Wednesday! The Evil Mr. Phil and Professor Lone Star have five fun-filled rounds for you tonight, and we hope you're ready for them!

But just in case you're not, we have a special hint, just for you: If you don't currently have plans for April 4th, 2025, perhaps you could go watch Jason Momoa get stalked by a big green thing that kinda looks like a penis.

What the hell does that mean? I guess you'll have to stop by 181 Cabrini tonight to find out!

Hint of the Week for October 2, 2024

Welcome to October! It's Spooky Season again!

In honor of that, your hint this week is appropriately morbid, and it comes in the form of a video:

See you all tonight!

Hint of the Week for September 25, 2024

Mary O'Shag and J-Date will be slinging questions this evening. J-Date is a middle school teacher who had an ordinary day at school today. November 14, 1960 was no ordinary day at a school in New Orleans.

While you ponder that, maybe keep YOURSELF out of trouble by helping out the local Community Fridge

You can find volunteer options here, and you can make a monetary donation to the Progressive Church that runs the Fort Fridge here.

Hint of the Week for September 18, 2024

You've got the Evil Mr. Phil & Professor Lone Star tonight, and that means you're getting the epitome of presentational excellence. So to spotlight that fact, I give you

A Dramatic Reading

MAYOR: Drebin, I don't want anymore trouble like you had last year on the South Side. Understand? That's my policy.

FRANK: Yes. Well, when I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's *my* policy.

MAYOR: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of "Julius Caesar", you moron! You killed 5 actors! Good ones.

Annnnnnnd SCENE.

While you ponder that, maybe keep YOURSELF out of trouble by helping out the local Community Fridge

You can find volunteer options here, and you can make a monetary donation to the Progressive Church that runs the Fort Fridge here.

Hint of the Week for September 11, 2024

When you arrive tonight, check out Baby Tyrant's exquisite drip.

Hint of the Week for August 28, 2024

Pub quiz IS enough to drive you crazy if you let it, but that's not the hint this week.

This week we're wondering: How do they calculate the ABV of beer?

If you can figure that out before 8 PM tonight you might have an advantage over the other quizzers. Now wouldn't that be something?

This week's hosts are Mary O'Shag and The Evil Mr. Phil.

Hint of the Week for August 21, 2024

Pub quiz is enough to drive you crazy if you let it.

Hint of the Week and a Community Update

Professor Lone Star here. We're going to get straight to business this week with a hint from Baby Tyrant: 

“Hoo-Hoo, Hare-Lip, and Edwin don’t believe their grandfather about the world before the Red Death, and in turn history is doomed to repeat itself.”

With that out of the way, I have a more serious announcement to make: The Uptown Pub Quiz Family lost one of its members last week. 

Andrea Sears, beloved wife of our own Mary O'Shag, passed away on August 8th. She was a brilliant, talented, badass woman, and she will be missed.

Andrea's friends have established a GoFundMe to assist Mary with any necessary expenses. There will be at least two memorials, date and location TBA.

Anyway. Stay safe, tell someone you love them, and I hope to see you all tonight. 

Hint of the Week for August 7, 2024

It's the first Wednesday of August, everyone gets a fresh start toward the Jordie! Pick a good team name and get this thing started right with hosts Mary O'Shag and J-Date.

Here's your hint from J-Date!

HINT: Have you had enough of the rain?! And the heat we had before it?! This has been some week, huh?! Do I seem worked up?! How can you tell?!

Stay calm and figure that one out before the 8 PM quiz start time at 181 Cabrini this evening. See you there!

Hint of the Week for July 31, 2024

It's the last Wednesday of the month, and that means we'll be crowning our monthly victors tonight!

Not only that, you get a hint from guest host Emily!

HINT: Businessman, Banker, Diplomat, Flautist, Brigadier General, 30th Vice President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize Winner…impressive resume, no?

I don't know what that hint means. I'm just a website. But I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out before the 8 PM quiz start time at 181 Cabrini this evening. See you there!

Hint of the Week for July 24, 2024

The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. Wait, no. I mean "the first time as a member of Fleetwood Mac, the second time as a solo artist."

Hint of the Week for July 17, 2024

Don't you love the study of literature? It comes with an entire lexicon of interesting words, like prosody. Some terms even sort of have a combination of gender and position, like masculine, feminine, initial, and terminal. Examples abound.

Hint of the Week for July 10, 2024

Now might be a good time to memorize the entirety of singer/songwriter M. Ward's discography.  But if you don't have time for that, you could probably make do with just his output through 2006.  Here's a link.

Hint of the Week for July 3, 2024

While you’re pregaming for trivia tonight (because that’s almost certainly what everyone is doing this sunny Wednesday), be sure to take the time to brush up on your complete memorization of every labeled Planetary Nebulae. There’s a brief list of them in the esteemed scholarly journal Wikipedia for your enlightenment. 

Hint of the Week for June 26, 2024

Thank goodness for oviparous chondrichthyans. Without them, where would mermaids put their keys?

Hint of the Week for June 19, 2024

We are heading into a hot and sticky several days, so here's a clip of a very special clothing line.

Since it's a holiday, here's an extra hint too: Read up on General Granger's announcement here.

Hint of the Week for June 12, 2024

It's June 12, and you know what that means. That's right, my best friend just had gastric sleeve surgery. You'll be happy to hear that he seems to be recovering nicely. But because it's Wednesday, we'll also be having trivia. And that means a hint, which is as follows:

I wish I had the middle name "Sphere." It's way cooler than "Beth."

Also, the band Sparks was last week's hint, and since Sparks is (are?) awesome, here's my favorite Sparks song and one of my favorite songs period. It's not a hint, just a bonus:

Hint of the Week for June 5, 2024

We've officially made it to June, folks! The Hockey and Basketball seasons are almost over, Baseball is in full swing, and somehow the Jets already have a losing record!

All jokes aside, it's time for another evening of trivia, brought to you by everybody's favorite hosts (this week at least), Professor Lone Star and J-Date, and our good friends at 181 Cabrini

Join us tonight at 8 pm for approximately 51 amazing trivia questions, one of which you can have a hint for by simply watching the video below!

See you tonight!

Hint of the Week for May 29, 2024

It's the last Wednesday of May! And nobody could be happier to crown a monthly champ than tonight's hosts, Professor Lonestar and The Evil Mr. Phil.

Want a head start on the trivia? Have a look at this hint:

In the year 1958, well before Taylor Swift appeared on screen as a cat, she appeared on screen as The Cat.

Hint of the Week for May 22, 2024

Happy Wednesday! It's an exciting day, we've got an exciting quiz planned, and I've got an exciting hint for you, courtesy of a Very Special Guest Host:

"Everybody's got the right to some sunshine. Not the sun, but maybe one of its beams.

Hint of the Week for May 15, 2024

All quizgoers are equal, but some quizgoers are more equal than others.

Hint of the Week for May 8, 2024

If you ever need some relationship advice, you could do worse than taking it from my boys Akbar and Jeff.

You could also do better, but you could definitely do worse.

Hint of the Week for May 1, 2024

"Self-referential" is such a meta phrase. Have a close look here.

Hint of the Week for April 24, 2024

Hawaiian Airlines is the only carrier that will get you from Honolulu to Tafuna Airport.

Hint of the Week for April 17, 2024

Brooklyn's first public park was a cemetery? Wha?

Hint of the Week for April 10, 2024

When looking back to your sports history, you probably don't know Eddie LeBaron. 

But in his defence, he wasn't the losing quarterback in the Ice Bowl.

Hint of the Week for April 3, 2024

These pancreatic cells sound like a great place for a vacation.

Hint of the Week for March 27, 2024

George warns expected guests, "Please don't be long for I may be asleep."

Hint of the Week for March 20, 2024

Does anyone else here remember Five Alive? It hasn't been sold in the US for many years, but Canadians can still find it.

According to Coca-Cola:

"With it’s refreshing citrus taste from a blend of five fruit flavour and it’s quirky personality, Five Alive encourages unexpected and fun acts making those around them feel more alive."

Unexpected and fun acts like spelling "flavor" with a "u" and using "it's" as a possessive?

Anyway... enough reminiscing and nit-picking. See you at the quiz tonight!

Hint of the Week for March 13, 2024

Derivatives, integrals, and novocaine...

Hint of the Week for March 6, 2024

A lot of principal personages will be stopping for refreshments at 181 Cabrini tonight.

Hint of the Week for February 28, 2024

A TMC0280 linear predictive coding speech synthesizer, a keyboard, and a receptor slot? What else could a kid ask for?

Hint of the Week for February 21, 2024

If you want to catch a wading bird in the genus Scolopax, Ophelia's dad has some ideas.

Hint of the Week for February 14, 2024

Love is in the air, and we are rebranding this week! Please grab your Valentine du jour and join us tonight at 8 for the Uptown Love Quiz!

Meanwhile, since it's absurdly cold out and my fellow teachers have next week off, YOUR HINT OF THE WEEK is a question:

Where could I go in the Caribbean if I don't have a passport?

Hint of the Week for February 7, 2024

I think we should start referring to the trivia attendees as "Li'l Folks."

Hint of the Week for January 31, 2024

On December 3, 1967 Louis Washansky received a new (to him) body part.

Hint of the Week for January 24, 2024

It's here! Tonight is the White Elephant Gift Exchange!

There is very important information at this link, but the long and short is that if you want to participate, bring a wrapped, unlabeled present worth around $10-25. We will exchange at the end of quiz!

Now since I'm sure you have some hunting and warpping to do, here's a video to watch while you work!

Have fun watching the video, and the Sadiest and Professor Lonestar will see you tonight at Quiz!

Hint of the Week for January 17, 2024

There's a version of Microsoft Windows considered worse than all the rest? I had no idea!

Hint of the Week for January 10, 2024

"Hitchhiker's Guide with sex"? Sign me up!

Hint of the Week for January 3, 2024

Happy New Year! It's 2024, which means it's time for resolutions: We at the Uptown Pub Quiz resolve to post the hints BEFORE noon on Wednesday!

Oh. Shit. Maybe next year...

Anyway, here's your hint:

"According to Planet Money, this has been screaming RECESSION since last year."

It's the last Wednesday of the month, and that means we'll be crowning our monthly victors tonight!

Not only that, you get a hint from guest host Emily!

HINT: Businessman, Banker, Diplomat, Flautist, Brigadier General, 30th Vice President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize Winner…impressive resume, no?

I don't know what that hint means. I'm just a website. But I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out before the 8 PM quiz start time at 181 Cabrini this evening.